We wanted to know more about Peter Chinman aka @theparkpoet , to learn more about his life, inspirations and what about Hester Street Fair has been special to him. Check it out!

What were you doing before your life as The Park Poet?

I started this Park Poet project in 2017. I was 26. I’d gone thru a big break-up and had moved to New York. I was living in a literal honest-to-god walk-in closet and working an online customer service job. I had just put together my first collection of poems, and was slowly realizing that all I wanted was to be able to dedicate my entire life to poetry.

What inspired you to start your public poem service?

I was re-watching Before Sunset. In the movie there’s a character, this drunk bum lazing beside a river who offers to write the protagonists a poem in exchange for money. Something secret inside me lit up as I watched that. The next day I scoped out spots, and found one I liked in Central Park. I made a sandwich board sign that said ASK ME FOR A POEM. The day after that I went out to poet for the first time.

Was HSF your first in-person market? 

No, I’d been writing poems, mostly from Washington Square Park, for years. During the pandemic I started making sculptural candles, and started doing markets. I had heard about HSF, and decided to try it out. 

What is your experience like at HSF?

I love the other vendors at HSF. Always a sense of camaraderie.

Any special memories at the fair? – I know you loved 2023’s finale when Mark Rebilleit was there!

Marc Rebillet is definitely all-time high point for me. I’ve loved him for years, I think he’s a fucking genius. Getting to see a tiny little show from up-close was A+, 100%.